Saturday, December 27, 2008


Well another x-mas is here and gone. This was our first x-mas in Eugene and it was pretty good. Zach is starting to understand what a present is and that makes it a lot more enjoyable for us. He opened almost all his presents this year which was fun. I can't wait till next x-mas when he is really talking and will truly understand what Christmas is. Zach is really starting to talk, he said 2 words together last night which is a first so we are working hard on getting that going. Well the buzzer just went off so back to making dinner.

Oh, I almost forgot. We were going to go whale watching today but the seas were to rough, 15-20' waves, to see the whales so hopefully next weekend.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The end of the year

I was just going back through my results of the past year and thought I would post them. I had an awesome year. One big reason is my teammates on the MOB. I had so much fun the past couple of years racing with these guys. We raced so well together as a team and I am going to miss that. So thanks to everybody that raced the Masters races and good luck to you guys this coming season. Here are my results:
Hillsboro RR- DNF
Mississinawa RR Masters 3/4- 2nd, Teammate won
Ceraland Crit Masters 3/4- 4th, Cat 3 race- DNF
Moorseville Circuit race Masters 3/4- 2nd, Teammate won
Eagle Creek Master 3/4- WON Thanks guys
Salem Circuit Race Cat 3- 5th
Eugene Crit Cat 3- 4th
Eugene Celebration Stage Race Cat 3-
Stg one RR-11th
Stg two TT- 22nd
Stg three Crit- 3rd
Stg Four RR- 22nd
22 Overall

Monday, December 22, 2008

Whats been going on

Well its a few days before x-mas and the Hill family has been a little busy. We have been in Indianapolis and Philly visiting family. That took up the fist 8 days in December, since then we have been getting back into the swing of things and get over colds. I have been sick for a month and am getting tired of it. Now back the story. Indianapolis was great, I got to see my families and they got to see Zach and Heather. We ate Thanksgiving dinner at my Moms house and it was great. I got to drink some beer with my past neighbors and see my friend Mike and Brian, so that was cool. Then it was off to Philly to see Heathers brother Matt and his wife Deb and their new baby Collin, also the rest of the Brice clan was going to be there so it was a little family reunion which was great. The coolest part of that trip was the ride on the real Thomas the Tank Engine(thanks Matt). Zach is big time in to trains right now so he was in heaven. We rode in the caboose which was pretty freaking cool. Here is the video of the train coming into the station.